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Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts


What if she unknowingly abandons a powerful king? A year ago, Qiu Xingchen, a princess of the Zhou dynasty, met Yan Xuan, a young king who was on a trip to the Yeh dynasty. The king, who was not smiling and looked like a stranger, hooked his fingers and said with a cold smile: "Want to run away? It’s too late! The first thing you need to do is to pay a price for your manipulation of the king.The princess after she has had her way / / Gngzh T Sh Lun Zhng Q Hu / The princess after she has had her way with you / The princess after she has abandoned you

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts Chapter 1
Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts Chapter 2
Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts Chapter 3
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