The story follows Kaizaki Arata, a 27-year-old jobless man who fails at every job interview he had after quitting his last company which he only lasted at for three months. His life changes after meeting Yoake Ryou of the ReLife Research Institute, who offers him a drug that can change his appearance to 17-years-old again and to become a subject in a one-year experiment in which he begins his life as a high school student again. Next Chapter (Next Issue) ReLIFE chapter 197 online for free ReLIFE chapter 198 online for free ReLIFE chapter 199 online for free
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My Wife Is From A Thousand Years Ago Chap
21:52 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
I Used to be a Boss Chap
21:52 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
I Really Don’t Want to Learn Forbidden Spells Chap
21:52 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. Chap
21:52 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Eternal Contract Chap
21:52 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
My In-Laws Are Obsessed With Me Chap
21:51 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Top Tier Providence: Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chap
21:51 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
That’s Not How You Do It Chap
21:51 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Sweet Holiday Chap
21:51 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Weapon Maker Chap
21:51 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Soul Land IV - The Ultimate Combat Chap
21:50 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Lord Of Destiny Wheel Chap
21:50 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
I Scared The Divine Lord As I Handed Over The Ancient Immortal Pill Chap
21:50 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
The Time Of Rebirth Chap
21:49 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul Chap
21:49 - 10/06/2024if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading
Come To Me, Otherworld Hunks Chap
05:58 - 09/26/2024So good
The CEO’s Dog Collar Chap
18:55 - 09/14/2024واو روعة كيوت هههههههه كان الفصل حلو ♥♥♥متى تكلموا
Kangcheol’s Bosses Chap 23
12:25 - 09/14/2024I Love
Waterside Night Chap 1
12:07 - 09/13/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
Waterside Night Chap 1
12:07 - 09/13/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️