Tensai Family Company
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Katsuyuki, a gifted, petty and egocentric high schooler, intends to work in the high financial world. His well regulated life explodes when his mother remarries his worst nightmare: a traveller writer, unproductive, nice and completely unpredictable and father of a son who looks like him. All his opposite. Consequently begins the subtle contamination of his entourage by their terrible joie de vivre. Even Nagasawa "the female brain of the high school", the only one for which he had respect for decided to find anew his peace. Katsuyuki feverishly seeks a way for returning these aliens on their planet and he not sparing with spite.
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I Thought I Tamed the Villain Chap
22:30 - 10/12/2024I'll be waiting for the updates ? I'm so excited
Come To Me, Otherworld Hunks Chap
05:58 - 09/26/2024So good
The CEO’s Dog Collar Chap
18:55 - 09/14/2024واو روعة كيوت هههههههه كان الفصل حلو ♥♥♥متى تكلموا
Kangcheol’s Bosses Chap 23
12:25 - 09/14/2024I Love
Waterside Night Chap 1
12:07 - 09/13/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
Waterside Night Chap 1
12:07 - 09/13/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
The CEO’s Dog Collar Chap
02:22 - 09/08/2024هلأ متى تكلموا الفصل مانهوا انا متحمسة كثيرا وراعة كملي ♥♥♥♥♥
Jungle Juice Chap
14:56 - 08/31/2024See y'all in 2025
Stop Smoking! Chap
00:47 - 08/29/2024??????
Your Eyes, My Words Chap 19
09:16 - 08/28/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
Perfect Surgeon Chap 117
04:51 - 08/28/2024yayyyyy i finally finished itt
The CEO’s Dog Collar Chap
23:26 - 08/24/2024هلا متى تكملوا ♥♥♥
Love Debugging Chap 4
14:04 - 08/24/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
Bakemono no Hanayome Chap 6
13:22 - 08/24/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ???
Puppy Love Chap 26
12:58 - 08/24/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ??
The Boys of Summer Chap 10
13:06 - 08/23/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
The Moon On The Cliff Chap 78.5
13:02 - 08/23/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
Exploratory Battle Chap 40
10:12 - 08/23/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ???
Book Of The Dead Chap 4
09:43 - 08/23/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ❤️❤️❤️
See You My King Chap 91
09:43 - 08/23/2024Cinthia rico Zavala hola ???