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The Lady Wants To Rest (Promo)


In the distant past, I was cursed by my dealings with the world. Over the next 1,000 years, I lived an endless life. There isn’t a single life I haven’t experienced. I have been the most noble and humble person in the world, I have become a beggar, I have been revered as a saint, and I have been burned as a witch. And after my most miserable and painful life, I thought of it all again. It’s all bothering me nowI’d like to take a break, please. I’ve decided to live a life of a lazy sloth this time, but why are people still bothering me? Let me get some rest.’ Her story of wanting to rest!(P.S This is a promo manhwa and it’s a oneshot)

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
The Lady Wants To Rest (Promo) Chapter 1
The Lady Wants To Rest (Promo) Chapter 2
The Lady Wants To Rest (Promo) Chapter 3
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